Project: Punch Clock, workforce management tool


Punch Clock is an innovative workforce management tool for staff time and attendance tracking. Integrated directly with Scheduler by Gig Grafter, our flagship cloud based rota planner, businesses can now plan and track staff time seamlessly, with simple and immediate payroll reconciliation. Punch Clock includes facial recognition as standard to provide staff identification and protect against buddy clocking.

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Key features

  • Clock in/out
  • Start/ Stop breaks
  • Facial recognition
  • PIN entry
  • Setup staff for facial recognition
  • Enable multiple devices for clock ins at various locations

Technologies used

  • Java: Framework: Spring boot 1.5.15, build Tool: Gradle
  • Database migration: flyway 5.2.0, RDBMS: Postgresql
  • Analyzes source code: SonarLint, Sonarqube
  • React, React Native, React Native CLI, testing tool: Jest
  • Firebase
  • Python
  • Amazon AWS: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, ECS, EC2, S3, VPC

Usage and statistics